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Denton Dental Center Blog

Knocked Out Your Tooth? Here’s What to Do Right Away

March 14, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 12:14 pm
a surprised woman covering her mouth

Anyone who’s ever experienced this situation understands how overwhelming and frightening it can feel. However, if you’ve knocked out one of your pearly whites, then you’ll need to take the right steps to raise your chance of saving it. By staying calm and acting swiftly, you might just preserve your tooth long enough to visit your dentist for emergency dentistry. Keep reading to learn the exact steps to take when knocking out a tooth.


Is Your Smile Sending an SOS? Here Are 4 Warning Signs of Gingivitis

January 24, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 7:26 pm
Patient checking their gums for gingivitis in the mirror

Your gums are often overlooked in the oral health equation, but they’re far more important than you might think! These structures help support your teeth, protect your jawbone, and keep your smile healthy. But when gingivitis sets in, your gums will start sending distress signals.

The problem is that many people ignore these early warning signs. If left untreated, mild gum disease can turn into a more serious condition called periodontitis, which often leads to tooth loss. Continue reading to learn the four most common signs of gingivitis and how to stop it in its tracks!


How Alcohol Can Raise Your Risk for Gum Disease?

January 11, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 2:11 pm
Did you know that consuming too much alcohol could affect your oral health? Here’s how excessive drinking can lead to gum disease.

While you’re likely already aware that alcohol can have a negative impact on the overall health of your body, you may not realize how it can specifically affect your mouth. The fact of the matter is that drinking a lot of alcohol could potentially increase your risk of developing gum disease. Here’s a closer look at this connection as well as the steps you can take to protect your smile.


Is Gingivitis Potentially Contagious?

December 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 3:51 pm
a man showing signs of gingivitis

It’s important to know that gum disease has various stages—the first one being gingivitis. Although this is the mildest form, you’ll want to get it treated with both at-home dental care and professional cleanings from your dentist. On top of worsening without treatment, it might even be a potential risk to others if left unchecked. Keep reading to learn how gingivitis can be contagious and ways to keep your smile safe.


Just Breathe: The Effects of Asthma on Your Oral Health

December 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 6:51 pm
a woman outside using an inhaler for asthma

Whether you’re out for a run, cleaning around the house, or walking a flight of stairs, these kinds of exertions can lead to your inability to breathe comfortably. When living with asthma, you may only think about its impact on your respiratory system; however, it may also cause problems with your oral health. Keep reading to learn how this common condition can increase your risk for gum disease and why seeing your dentist regularly is important.


How Do Dental Implants Have a 95% Success Rate?

November 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 9:12 pm
Man raising his glasses and eyebrows in surprise

Have you heard that dental implants have a 95% success rate? It’s true, and in fact, some studies estimate the rate to be even higher. Dentists and patients have high praise for this tooth replacement option, but how is it possible for them to be that successful?

When you look closer at how dental implants work, what you’ll find is a uniquely effective design – and diligent dentists! Keep reading to learn what makes them the best restorative solution in modern dentistry.


The Holiday Denture Diet: Foods to Avoid and Foods to Enjoy

November 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 10:33 pm
A group of friends cooking a holiday meal

Dentures are designed to be durable and long-lasting, but certain foods can make them difficult to eat with or uncomfortable to wear. Plus, if you accidentally bite into something too hard, you could break your replacement teeth!

With the holidays coming up, you might be wondering what your denture diet should look like. Keep reading for some dentist approved advice!


Dental Implant Terms You Should Know

October 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 1:59 am

Model showing each part of a dental implantIf you are ready to replace your missing tooth with a dental implant, a consultation with your dentist is your first step. However, your dentist may use a lot of terms that are unfamiliar to you, which can lead to concerns or confusion. There’s no need to worry. Here are the top dental implant terms you should know before your consultation.


5 Terrific Tooth Themed Halloween Costumes

October 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 4:12 pm
A woman in a tooth fairy costume.

With just a few more days before Halloween, time is running out for costume inspiration, but if you’re in a pinch, here are some tooth themed costumes that you can try without needing to run around to too many places to find accessories.

Whether you’re trying to showcase your stunning smile or you’re just a big fan of teeth, these five ideas will help you have the best Halloween ever!


Link Between Gum Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease

September 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 9:56 pm

Alzheimer’s disease on digital screenDid you know that cavities aren’t the only culprit of tooth loss? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 50% of adults have a form of gum disease. Although it is almost 100% preventable, it is a leading cause of tooth loss, but that’s not the only concern. Gum disease has been linked to various health issues, including heart attacks, diabetes, and even memory loss. Researchers have found a connection between gum disease and Alzheimer’s. Here’s what you need to know to keep your mouth and brain healthy.


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