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Why Ill-Fitting Dentures Are More Than Annoying

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 7:12 pm
a woman smiling with dentures

Dentures have been a tooth-loss solution for thousands of years. The earliest known dentures date as far back as 700 B.C. and used ivory as a base and hand-carved animal bones for the teeth. Thanks to technology, current dentures have come a long way! They are now incredibly lifelike and comfortable. But despite the advancements, they can still become loose over time, which can lead to some oral health issues. Here are five ways that ill-fitting dentures can cause problems and what you can do about them!


Four Foods That Can Actually Improve Your Smile After Whitening

October 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 12:36 am
Handsome businessman with great smile sitting in the dental chair

Imagine finally getting your dream car. It’s beautiful, it’s sleek, it’s almost too nice to drive. How would you treat it? Would you immediately go out and drive it in the rain, or a hailstorm? Do doughnuts in the parking lot?

It sounds silly, but you do the same thing when you shell out for teeth whitening and then don’t take care of your mouth. If you spend the time and money to get your perfect smile, you should do what you can to keep it. Of course, brushing and flossing are important, but you also should be eating the right things if you want to keep your smile at its brightest.

Everyone knows coffee and wine can discolor your teeth, but did you know some foods can actually help you remove stains? Here are a few examples.


Curious If You Can Drink Coffee with Veneers? Read This!

September 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 4:46 pm
Woman smiling while drinking coffee

Struggling with moderate or permanent dental discoloration? While teeth whitening may no longer be an option, veneers certainly are! With thin, durable shells of porcelain, your cosmetic dentist can conceal stubborn and unsightly stains in just a few visits. But once they are in place, will you have to stop drinking dark-colored beverages, like coffee? Keep reading to learn the answer.


How Does Your Dentist Color Match Your Dental Crown?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 12:03 am
man smiling in mirror

Your dentist told you it would look natural, but when you first saw your dental crown in place, you still couldn’t help being a bit surprised at how well it blended with your real teeth. How did they deliver such a great result for you? With the advanced techniques utilized for modern dental crowns, you receive a personalized restoration that mimics the shade of your natural tooth. It’s not by chance – it’s science. Keep reading for an easy-to-digest look at the process of color matching a dental crown from your dentist in Denton.


Is It Ok to Have Dental Work When Pregnant?

August 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 8:56 am
A woman experiencing pregnancy pointing to her smile

When you’re going through pregnancy, it’s natural to feel a bit nervous. After all, you’ll give birth to a bundle of joy in a few months! You wouldn’t want to do anything that could put your baby-to-be at risk. That said, you may be nervous about dental work at this point. Is it safe to receive such service when pregnant? Thankfully, though, your Denton dentist can calm your worries. Read on to learn why preventive dentistry is recommended when pregnant while the cosmetic and restorative types aren’t.


Do Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products Work?

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 10:53 pm
Woman smiling after teeth whitening

Are you eager to enhance the natural beauty of your smile? Teeth whitening could be the solution that you’ve been looking for! After all, everyone wants to have bright, white teeth. Discoloration occurs naturally over time, but it’s still a trait that makes people feel self-conscious. There are a variety of different teeth whitening options out there, with over-the-counter options being the most cost-effective, but do they actually work? Read on to learn more.


Common Causes of Yellow Teeth & How to Whiten Them

July 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 3:54 pm
Side by side comparison of stained teeth and whitened teeth.

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you—meaning that a stained and yellow smile can lead to some pretty embarrassing first impressions! But fortunately, there are many different cosmetic solutions available that can effectively whiten discolored teeth. But what causes teeth to become yellow in the first place? Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about some of the common causes of stained teeth, along with some ways that the issue can be addressed.


4 Tips to Make Your Dental Checkup Go Smoothly

June 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 2:21 pm
patient smiling while talking to dentist

When it comes to keeping your smile healthy and looking its best, brushing, flossing, and eating well are key. Outside of your home, visiting your dentist every six months is one of the most important parts of maintaining excellent oral health. During your dental checkup, your dentist will perform a thorough exam and your dental hygienist will do a deep clean of your teeth. To ensure that these appointments go as smoothly as possible, read on to learn 4 helpful tips.


Why Is the TikTok Trend “Veneers Check” Dangerous?

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 4:39 am
scared woman covering mouth

TikTok has been embraced by popular culture; even if you don’t use the app, statistics support that someone you know well spends a lot of each day watching the platform’s short videos. It’s insanely popular with over 1.3 billion users worldwide, serving as the home to many emerging video trends. Some have even made headlines, but not for the reasons you might think. Dentists are sounding the alarm on a recent dental TikTok trend – the “Veneers Check” challenge – claiming it’s highly misleading and encouraging people to make irreversible mistakes. Learn more about this prime example of dangerous dental trends from your dentist in Denton.


Why You Should Consider Replacing Metal Fillings

April 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentondental @ 2:43 pm
portrait of an attractive woman smiling

A filling is used to treat a cavity caused by tooth decay. There are two types of fillings: amalgam and composite. Silver/amalgam fillings were more common in the past, but recent research suggests that they may do long-term damage to your health. As a result, most dentists and patients today prefer to treat cavities with composite fillings. Rather than metals, this option is made of a mixture of smooth glass and plastic particles and can be blended to match the shade of the surrounding teeth. Keep reading to learn more about the long-term effects of silver fillings and why replacing them for composite may make sense for you. 

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